Tuesday, April 28, 2020

More Artwork I've Done Lately

Top:  The Hollow Knight bug on a bench in Hollow Knight.  Which is a really great game and I really like it.

Middle:  My copy of an illustration by Beatrix Potter for Appley Dappley, which is one of her nursery rhymes, and also the name of the collection it features in.

Bottom:  The original illustration, for comparison, and because we can always use more Beatrix Potter in our lives.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Why Deviantart sucks

You can switch back and forth right now, but they’re getting rid of the old version on around May 20th.

These are both screenshots of the first thing you see if you go to my channel on deviantart.

In the old version I had my artwork on the left, and my profile on the right, (even though I didn’t really say anything).  The default was more cluttered but at least it was sort of customizeable.
In the new version, on the other hand...  I haven’t really spent much time with it yet, but ah... doesn’t it seem like a lot of blank space?  I see a lot of data which is probably very important to them because all they care about is getting people to click on adds, but not so much art, and yes I know I can upload a cover image but that’s only one picture.  Good for advertisers.  Not very good for artists.

So that’s my first impression.  I hope I’m wrong but the new site seems like garbage.  The feedback they’ve been getting is all negative so I don’t think I’m the only person who feels this way.
Anyway I hope you had fun listening to me rant about something other than youtube for a change.

PS.  I know the layout is probably the least of the reasons that DA sucks, because of all the obscenity, and ads if you don’t have adblocker, but I’m really just talking about the technical side of it today.

PPS.  Here’s the link to my deviantart channel in case you’re interested.  (Even after all I’ve said about how much DA sucks).

PPPS. Blogger is another dumpster fire, I'm having trouble getting the paragraphs where I want them, so please ignore any errors, they are not my own.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Viking Ducky! :))

I happened to have a rubber viking ducky lying around, so I drew and colored it.  :)

Tuesday, April 7, 2020


I've been uploading some gameplay footage lately where I'm playing video games:

Commander Keen.


And Hollow Knight.  Which is a fun game set in a really beautiful world full of cute bugs.

These are all short 3-4 minute videos, and I just thought I'd share since they give some idea of the sort of things I do to goof off sometimes, and anyway people might find them interesting.


I did another Minecraft video, with more of my dome houses:


Monday, April 6, 2020