Saturday, January 9, 2021

Artwork 2020, Year In Review


I made a slideshow of all the artwork I did in 2020 in chronological order. :)

Artist Loadout

 Art takes decades to develop even at the best of times but sometimes it is all brought short by a disaster.

My room is a mess of course, I have artistic and literary projects strewn all over the place and I like it that way.  But lately I've been asking myself, what would I take with me if I had to leave in a hurry, like if I had to quit the country and my house might get destroyed.  Family?  Food?  Ammo?  That doesn't leave a lot of room for artwork and decades of toil would go up in flames.

Which leads to the hypothetical question that I have been asking myself and perhaps you should too:

What if all you had room for in your pack was a stack of paper, a book, a sketchbook, some pencils, and a few flash drives?  Would you ditch the sketchbook and pencils and bring more paper?  another couple books?  Smaller books?  Something else?  I don't even know what I'd do, but its something to think about.

Don't share your answers here.  We don't need the government to know.  But someones got to ask the important art questions, especially in an age where many hypothetical cases are not as hypothetical as we should hope.

Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Color Version

Like I said, the color version.  I think I'll keep working on these for a while.