Sunday, December 9, 2018


My goals for 2019 are to survive and keep doing art and writing.

If you scroll down far enough you can find my broken promises for 2018.

I guess life never hands you enough free time to do what you want.

But I'm just gonna keep on keepin on regardless.

P.S.  If I'm given a choice between surviving and doing art and writing, I'm gonna go with art.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Micron pens and colored pencils.  I really enjoy drawing floating islands! :)

Friday, August 31, 2018

Free Coloring Book!!!

 The digital version of my coloring book is now available for Free!  Starting now through the end of September.  So if you want a free printable coloring book here's your chance:

Happy coloring!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Free Coloring Book!!!

Great news!  Starting September 1st through 30, the digital download version of my coloring book will be available for FREE!

I can't give you a much better offer than that, so head over to and download it while you can.  And tell all your friends!

Sunday, August 19, 2018

What I've Been Working On

 So I found this at the side of the road last year sometime...

...And I recently started sanding it.

You see, I'm thinking of enhancing it a little, with a little woodcarving, maybe woodburn some patterns into it.  This is just a fun project I'm working on, I don't know what its for or what I'll do with it when its done.

Anyway, I still don't have nearly as much time to work on art projects as I'd like and I've got some pretty severe writers block with the story I'm working on but I won't let that stop me.

All the best,


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Cave Entrance

I found this drawing I did back in 2014 or 15.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

A Couple More Designs

I am now working on both Celtic designs and acanthus ornament with great simultanaiety of action.  Everything is being accomplished according to plan.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

New Edition For My Coloring Book!

Celtic Knotwork Coloring Book, now available in printable PDF format!

I did some poking around and figured out that is a place where you can sell your books as PDFs, and I've been wanting to do that for a while because printable coloring books are a big thing 'cause you can print out however many pages you need, on the right kind of paper.

So I finally got this stuff figured out and now its available on Lulu for $2.29, which is about half the price of a print copy, but I still make just as much profit per sale so its a great way to help support me as an artist so I can quit that day job!

Celtic Knotwork Coloring Book available for $2.29 on

Its also available as a print copy for $5.49 on Amazon:

If you want to buy any copies that's great, and anything you can do to help spread the word is greatly appreciated!

Happy coloring! :)

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Angelic Bookends

Another addition to my magical bookshelves series.  I don't know why, but I think it would be really fun to do a series of stories about little statues that come to life and wander about on the bookshelves. :)

Saturday, January 6, 2018

Ruined Castle

Its also available as a print, (and other stuff), on Society6!

I am immensely proud of this one! :)

You see there in the lower right corner where I signed it?  I signed it with my micron pen when I finished the outline drawing last year, and I had to paint in the year with watercolors when I finished coloring it in just today.  So I do finish projects it just takes me a while.

Monday, January 1, 2018


So apparently I did a ton of art last year.  This year I'm going to create more and better artwork.  But what does that even mean?

 Well here are the salient points:

1. My Celtic Knotwork Coloring Book has been doing really well, (thanks for buying it!), so of course I'm going to keep on coming out with coloring books.  So expect to see more coloring book pages in Celtic knotwork, acanthus ornament, and other elegant decorative styles.

2. I've been saying for years that I want to write and illustrate stories in my own medieval fantasy universe.  The stories I'm currently working on are about children who make friends with some goblin children and have lots of fun adventures even though the grown ups all want to kill each other.  So I'm sorry its taking so long, but I really think I'll be able to finish a short story or two to share with you this year.  I will upload them for your reading pleasure on this blog, and deviantart.

3. Miscellaneous artwork.  As always I will put up pictures of paintings and drawings I'm working on.  These are not always connected to a particular project but they help me grow as an artist, and hopefully you enjoy them.

4. You have a happy new year!  I'm glad that we finally finished the old year.

