Tuesday, December 30, 2014

My Reading List Of 2014

The following is a list of all the books I’ve read this year, of whatever interest it may be:

1/21/14 Deep Down A Tale Of the Cornish Mines R. M. Ballantyne
?/?/14 Sunk At Sea (Wandering Will Trilogy) R. M. Ballantyne
?/?/14 Wandering Will’s Adventures In South America (Wandering Will Trilogy) R. M. Ballantyne
?/?/14 The Long Way Home (Sequoyah Trilogy) Sabrina Chase
4/15/14 Raven’s Children (Sequoyah Trilogy) Sabrina Chase
4/25/14 Queen Of Chaos (Sequoyah Trilogy) Sabrina Chase
4/29/14 The Bureau Of Substandards Annual Report Sabrina Chase
4/30/14 Over The Rocky Mountains (Wandering Will Trilogy) R. M. Ballantyne
5/29/14 Firehearted Sabrina Chase
9/02/14 The Last Mage Guardian Sabrina Chase
10/05/14 Dragonhunters Sabrina Chase
11/7/14 Up Front Bill Mauldin (Reread)
12/25/14 Kim Rudyard Kipling

13 books by 4 different authors, and oddly enough, I liked, enjoyed, and can recommend all of them.  And I haven't read anything that I loathed!  It is a great blessing to be out of school!  :D

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Monday, December 8, 2014

75% Off And Free Shipping Practically Giving Them Away Christmas Sale!

Just stick a hanger on one of the points and you'll have some of the classiest most elegant Christmas ornaments you can find.  And from now till New Years its 75% off and free shipping on all products.  So its also dirt cheap.  Only at my Etsy Store: 


Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Now that NaNoWriMo is over, I'm stuck with reading this damned novel I've written.  lolz  :)

And Merry Christmas to everybody!

Friday, November 28, 2014

I finished my NaNoWriMo novel today!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So no kidding this is Awesome!!!  :D

I'm gonna edit the heck out of it and It'll probably be ready to publish in just like a year or so!

Its medieval fantasy and I'm going to illustrate it heavily so its gonna be like a real fairytale its going to be so metal!!!!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

I Started NaNoWriMo Today!

It'll be fun, its just medieval fantasy so I can totally make it up as I go along!  ^__^

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

General Update

A gigantic thank you to everyone who puts up with me!  You should get an award!  (No seriously, this site needs contests and prizes and things.)  Here's an update by category:

This Site: I don't think the stuff along the edges of this website shows up on mobile devices, I may need to work out a solution to this problem.  I need this list to show up somewhere:

It Looks Like Fireworks

Youtube Channel
Godtube Channel


My Other Tumblr

Etsy:  Of my websites, my Etsy store has the least content, and I do next to no social networking on that site, and so it is no surprise that I only have something like three hundred pageviews on there, when my other sites range from almost a thousand on upwards.  So I need to work on it.
     All I sell on there is mathematical solids.  What I really need to do is have the math be a subcategory and have it be a general purpose 3-D sculpture site - all the stuff that isn't two dimensional like my drawings.  And of course I'll rename it from Platonic Products, which is too long, to something shorter.
     But I don't have time to work on any of that right now anyway.

 Videos: I haven't had much time to work on animation, but when I have, I found that my animation software doesn't work.  So I couldn't upload videos even if I wanted to.  Sorry about that.

Artwork and Writing:  So, I have a plan: I'm going to write medieval fantasy novels and illustrate them.  This is what I really want to do, so even if I never make a cent off of them I'm still going to do this and have fun while doing it.  I'll be doing NaNoWriMo next November, which means I might have enough raw material to come out with a couple of short stories in December, and illustrate one of them in January.
     I'm going to self publish them on Amazon for my own amusement, even though nobody will ever want to read them, because that would feel like a milestone and I can have a few copies of them lying around the house, and they'd be real books and all sorts of color glossy and anyway I like Amazon.

Blogs: Ok, I have two blogs, one is my personal blog, I mostly blog on there for my personal amusement.  Don't go there if you don't want to be offended by my political views.  My other blog is a political blog, dedicated to the awesome conservative political pundit Bill Whittle, once again, don't go there if you don't want to be offended by my political views.

Hope this clears a few things up.  Once again thanks for putting up with me!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Paper Spikes By The Dozen!!!

From My Etsy store:

Imagine gluing hundreds of these onto whatever you're making! Featured here are some, three sided, two inch long, gold metallic spikes, cut, folded, and glued out of paper.

Message me if you want other colors, types of paper, different length spikes, different number of sides etc... The possibilities are almost endless!

They ship in handy little stacks and you can use them to enhance all sorts of craft items. Just put a link to my store when you market it for sale so people can find out about me. Thank you! 

Just what every craft project needs, more spikes!

For sale here at $2.00 per dozen.

...And I'm Back!

If you've been following this blog, thank you for your patience.

I haven't posted anything in a few months, well that's because I haven't actually finished anything, but I do have a lot of works in progress...

Monday, July 14, 2014

Ring Of Rings Of Icosas!!!

I have a new product up on my etsy store!  A ring, of rings, made of 36 icosahedrons, meticulously cut, folded, and glued out of scintillating golden paper!

And here's the link to my etsy store!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Setting Stuff On Fire

I have a new video:

Here's the link to it on my Godtube channel

And here it is on Youtube.

I set a stellated dodecahedron on fire, and it looks pretty cool.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Celtic Cutout

I can't believe I forgot to put this picture up on here.  Its from my deviant art gallery.

Feel Free To Comment And Stuff!

I appreciate all kinds of input: saying hi, saying you like something, telling me what I'm doing wrong, commission some fancy piece of artwork, whatever.

I am certainly not upset by any lack of response, but your opinions are welcome, and helpful to me.

Klienes Ornamentenbuch

So I got this new book the other day, 800 Classic Ornaments And Designs,  Its a Dover book, apparently they plundered the designs from a 'rare mid-19th-century style book' called Kleines Ornamentenbuch published circa 1843.

I liked the pictures, so I thought, just for fun, since I've mostly been doing 800's pictures (book of Kells) maybe I'd try 1800's (Victorian stuff apparently).

Copying acanthus leaves really is a lot of fun.  As per usual, I slapped these pictures up on my deviant art.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I Actually Sold Something On Etsy!

I got my first sale on my etsy shop the other day, specifically my stellated iteration of the five platonic solids.  I'm just really excited about that, its so much fun to be able to pack them up, ship it off, and make money off the internet!


I just got my first thousand views.  A big thank you to everyone who checked out my website here!  Unfortunately most of those views were probably from me.  You see blogger counts it as pageviews  when I look at a page, edit something, post something, get too close to the monitor, or probably even just think about it in my sleep!

Still, I feel like having a pageview counter is good as a small token in honor of those who have visited my blog.  I really appreciate it.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

It'd been a while since I did any real Celtic designs with zoomorphs and stuff.  I'll draw a more Kells-like version soon, with pointy snouts, intricate knotwork, and forked tails.  For some strange reason, this picture reminds me ever so slightly of art nouveau, so I may need to do a really fancy version of it too.

As with all of my pictures, this one may be found on my deviantart gallery, here.

Thursday, May 29, 2014

New Knot

This is just like my previous knot, only inside out.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Another Knot

Just Another Knot by me, on my deviantart gallery.

Regarding My Blogs

I recently put up links to my tumblr blogs on here, even though they don't necessarily have much to do with the artwork that I make, and people might be offended by them.  Particularly with me being a Christian conservative.  However, one of my goals in making this website on blogger was to get most of my content together in one handy place, and blogging is a kind of art form, and people might find them genuinely interesting, so here they are.

My personal blog, (mostly reblogs of stuff I find interesting) tetradamallian.tumblr.com

My right-wing political blog: billwhittlefandom.tumblr.com

Now, a couple days ago, I got 65 followers on tetradamallian!  This may not seem like a meaningful milestone, compared to say 10, 100, 500, 1000, etc,  but to me 65 is the greatest number because it means I can blog the Princess Bride gifs I'd been waiting to blog for like forever!

There, I can now lead a fulfilled life!  Thank You!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Behind The Scenes

The post right below this one exists because I don't know how to make invisible posts and I wanted a button along the top of the site to link to that page with my blogs on it.

Blogs on Tumblr: 

Amazon Author Page
Art Blog
Personal Blog

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

More Celtic Designs

Celtic Snowflake - Color
Celtic Snowflake
I just finished these and put them up on my deviant art store.  :)

EDIT: And did I mention, I made an animated version of this.  You can watch it on my Youtube channel, or my Godtube channel.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Pretty Pictures/New Products on my Etsy Store

One of my many pastimes is making geometric solids out of paper.  A few of these are for sale on my Etsy store, Platonic Products, which you should be sure to check out.  And I have a couple new items out!

Specifically this stellated dodecahedron:

And stellated versions of all five platonic solids:

And these are the ones I had up already.

The five platonic solids:

And a stellated icosahedron:

Sunday, April 27, 2014

image source
I have to congratulate my namesake Pope Saint John Paul II, on the honor of being recognized by the Catholic Church as a Saint.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Add caption
I have a new movie out!  A Celtic, hand-drawn, animated snowflake set to music from Frozen!

It's hand drawn with a fine point sharpie, and colored pencils, and set to 8 frames per second, and it took me way longer than I thought it was going to take.  Apparently moving 12 lines forward a smidgeon in between every shot is time consuming.

This design is based on a tiny knot on folio 203r of the Book of Kells.

Like all my movies, it is available on both my Youtube channel and my Godtube channel.  They both have basically the same content.  Godtube is like youtube, only Christian, with Christian videos, and so on.  I have issues with Youtube, so I need backup in case I decide to leave.  So you can take your pick.

Here it is on Youtube:

And here it is on Godtube:


Thursday, March 27, 2014

Welcome, this is my main website, the nexus of all my creative endeavours: drawing, writing, stop-motion animation, geometric paper shapes, to name a few.  There's links to everything along the top, and side of the website, and I will blog, and post updates on whatever I'm working on.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Please ignore the three posts below this one.  They are what the buttons along the top of the website link to.  I don't know HTML or anything, so I don't know how to make pages to link to, except to put them up as visible posts.