Monday, May 26, 2014

Regarding My Blogs

I recently put up links to my tumblr blogs on here, even though they don't necessarily have much to do with the artwork that I make, and people might be offended by them.  Particularly with me being a Christian conservative.  However, one of my goals in making this website on blogger was to get most of my content together in one handy place, and blogging is a kind of art form, and people might find them genuinely interesting, so here they are.

My personal blog, (mostly reblogs of stuff I find interesting)

My right-wing political blog:

Now, a couple days ago, I got 65 followers on tetradamallian!  This may not seem like a meaningful milestone, compared to say 10, 100, 500, 1000, etc,  but to me 65 is the greatest number because it means I can blog the Princess Bride gifs I'd been waiting to blog for like forever!

There, I can now lead a fulfilled life!  Thank You!