Celtic Knotwork Coloring Book, now available in printable PDF format!
I did some poking around and figured out that Lulu.com is a place where you can sell your books as PDFs, and I've been wanting to do that for a while because printable coloring books are a big thing 'cause you can print out however many pages you need, on the right kind of paper.
So I finally got this stuff figured out and now its available on Lulu for $2.29, which is about half the price of a print copy, but I still make just as much profit per sale so its a great way to help support me as an artist so I can quit that day job!
Celtic Knotwork Coloring Book available for $2.29 on Lulu.com:
Its also available as a print copy for $5.49 on Amazon:
If you want to buy any copies that's great, and anything you can do to help spread the word is greatly appreciated!
Happy coloring! :)