Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Vanilla Zoomorphs

Aren't these funny?  I've been trying to figure out what my next design is going to be and this was a good exercise, seeing what they look like when they're not tied into knots.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Floating Islands Made Of Giant Turnips


I was doodling floating islands shaped like giant turnips the other day, as one does. :)

Sunday, November 6, 2022

More Floating Islands

 More floating islands, with a little guy and a cabin.  I kind of messed up on wind direction because the smoke from the cabin seems to be rising straight up and the vines are hanging straight down while the clouds are blowing one way and the waterfalls are blowing another.  But its still a nice picture.

I sketched some chickens on post-it notes as references for the chickens that are wandering around on the island, since I'm not very good at just winging it.  That went well.  Drawing preparatory sketches is always a good idea and I might do more of that in the future.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Floating Islands And Caves

 Well, the islands are floating anyway.  I don't have any floating caves in this particular drawing, that would be interesting. :)

I really gotta color this.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Forest Interior


Here's a little woodland scene I drew.  Needless to say a color version is on the way, it may take me a while though.

Saturday, September 10, 2022

Critters With Spirals

 And here's another one!  Only seven or so more to go before I finish my coloring book.  I think spirals are good, I'd love to do more with spirals.

Saturday, September 3, 2022

A couple more sketches

A couple more sketches lately.  Hatching and cross-hatching are becoming more instinctive although of course there is still so much more to learn.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Celtic Oak Tree


I like the owl in the middle.  If the ancient Celts had thought of it they would've put little owls on everything! ^_^

Monday, May 30, 2022


Source photo. 

Here's a comparatively quick deer sketch I did.  I think deer are a good thing to learn to draw cause they're always nice to fit into landscapes.  I think there's a lot to be said for learning to draw things that can be added to make landscapes better.

Wednesday, April 27, 2022


 I've been wanting to do a design for a long time where there's a dog a plant a bird and a snake all tied into each other where each one is tied up with the other three and I finally managed it!

I did another design back in 2020 that also had all four elements as you see here:

And its very good, however the bird and snake don't directly tie in with the dog or man.  It does have a human however which my new one doesn't so now I need to work on one with all five elements: man, dog, bird, snake, and plant all directly intertwined, preferably with some spirals, geometric and key patterns as well.  That would be the holy grail!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Celtic Gears

 This one took me a while, of course.  Someday I want to make an entire coloring book that's all constellations of floating gears with designs on them.  I think that would be cool.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Just Another Knot

 Just a knot this time, not even any zoomorphs.  Sometimes you got to have some nice simple ones in between all the complex ones.

Saturday, February 26, 2022



11"x14" oils on acrylic on canvas board.  I'm not much good at painting, its just something I mess around with in my spare time.  Drawing is fine but once in a while I like to do something in color.

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Another Celtic Knot

 And another Celtic knot.  I'm about halfway towards having enough Celtic designs for another coloring book, so at the rate I'm going I should have enough designs for it in another five or six years.  But I'm hoping to speed up a bit.

The old Celtic knotwork coloring book is here by the way, so you'll have something to look through and color while you're waiting.

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

2021 Year In Review



Here's a slideshow compilation of my work last year, I thought I did pretty good.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

An Eulogy On Facebook

 We've got a garbage interface

With bullies bots and trolls

Our agenda's always in your face

With social justice goals

We bully everyone

Till our userbase is banned

It can't be what we've done

It must have been the brand

I'm working on a song to sing while dancing on their grave.  :)

Monday, January 3, 2022

What I'm Planning On Working On, 2022 Edition

So what are my long term plans?

Of course I hope to continue to share new artwork.

Progress is also progressing on the next Celtic knotwork coloring book which I hope to publish in a few years.

I am also continuing to work on writing and illustrating a fantasy story about a gravedigger which will take a few more years beyond that of the coloring book.

In the years beyond that there will be yet more fantasy stories and other projects.

I'm also working on a serial story about a human ranger which I hope to share one chapter at a time on this website.  This is great because if I can get this to work I will be able to share stories and writing on here the way I share artwork!  I might start posting chapters this year.

Someday I might get another fancier website and maybe some more social media stuff too.  I'm sorta looking into that stuff but I probably won't get around to anything before 2023.

So what can you expect this year?

More artwork of course, and hopefully some fantasy stories as well.