Monday, January 3, 2022

What I'm Planning On Working On, 2022 Edition

So what are my long term plans?

Of course I hope to continue to share new artwork.

Progress is also progressing on the next Celtic knotwork coloring book which I hope to publish in a few years.

I am also continuing to work on writing and illustrating a fantasy story about a gravedigger which will take a few more years beyond that of the coloring book.

In the years beyond that there will be yet more fantasy stories and other projects.

I'm also working on a serial story about a human ranger which I hope to share one chapter at a time on this website.  This is great because if I can get this to work I will be able to share stories and writing on here the way I share artwork!  I might start posting chapters this year.

Someday I might get another fancier website and maybe some more social media stuff too.  I'm sorta looking into that stuff but I probably won't get around to anything before 2023.

So what can you expect this year?

More artwork of course, and hopefully some fantasy stories as well.