Last month:
Last month I said I'd write one thousand words and finish one illustration. And I did, I started a story about an old dwarven border fort, (maybe I'll share it here at some point on a chapter by chapter basis), and I finished that Celtic knot so that's my picture for the month. I also said I'd work on the children's book, and I did that some as well.
This month:
This month I'll write another thousand words on my border fort story, and finish another picture, and hopefully do more drawing in general. Also I'll continue doodling my children's book and writing Goblin Children.
Next month:
I think I'll discontinue these updates. Its been a useful exercise for me but none of it is really newsworthy and and I can't imagine any of it is very interesting for you, the reader, (correct me in the comments if I'm wrong). So I'm going to start a journal and keep notes of my progress on various projects, but I don't feel like I need to publish them here.
Video updates on the other hand, I think those would be great fun. I'm going to get a new youtube channel going here pretty soon, (or some other kind of video channel, the fact that I really don't like youtube is what's been holding me back for a long time). Get ready for all kinds of great video content from me at some vague point in the future, whenever I get around to it.