Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Politics Vs. Art

Or Political Gossip Vs. Getting A Life

I apologize for writing a political rant but I hope you will be merciful considering that this is the first time I have given in to the temptation with regards to the 2016 elections.

It seems like everyone I know has been doing way more talking about politics than usual this last year or two.  Of course I live in America so there's been elections and there's Trump and all that that entails (I think he's the best president ever from a technical standpoint but I still can't help finding him deeply repulsive, which may seem a little odd).  Political speculation has a way of eating into my brain so that I have a hard time thinking about anything else.  And I don't even like politics, it tends to make me feel angry and bitter.

Its my opinion that most people have better things to do with their time than worry about politics.  In my case the time I spend thinking about politics, would be better spent figuring out what mythical creatures to draw, or paint, or what happens next in the stories I'm writing.

Only this time they have gone too far.  This means war.  Now is the time to realize that art and politics are fundamentally in opposition and that artists should strive to reclaim the national conversation which has centered too long around politics with all its bleak ugliness, and replace it with something that's actually important.

I do not advocate armed conflict, or even argument, (for the most part)Yet I believe that if each of us as individuals follow the creative muses of the depths of our hearts, we will create such a sudden yet enduring storm of beauty and goodness that the darkness will be defeated and light will prevail.