Sunday, October 23, 2016

Sunday, August 14, 2016

I Have an Amazon Author Page Now

My Amazon author page:

When I publish books over the coming years this will be where you go to find them all.


Sunday, July 3, 2016

Monday, June 13, 2016

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Coworing books for gwown ups!

Thats my latest design I have lots more Celtic artwork as well as other artwork on my deviantart:

There has been a huge trend lately where people buy coloring books marketed for grown-ups 'Adult Coloring Books' they are called.  So since I do a lot of Celtic art and I'm good at it, I decided that I am going to come out with a Celtic themed adult coloring book myself.  I hope to come out with it in the next couple of months.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Yet Another Painting

Another painting by me, this one's in acrylics.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Another Painting

Its amazing what you can do with just a tube of black paint and a tube of white paint.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Upon The Deep

Waves of woodlands snowy crested,
Water mountains shining foam,
Cloud fronts break upon the heavens,
Beneath a blue bejewelled dome.

Water kingdoms, inland islands,
Hand in hand are land and sea
And we adrift upon the waters
Dwell in dreams of ecstasy.

Depths of dungeon, endless ocean,
Looking out upon the deep
Drowning in unfathomed wonders.
We drift into euphoric sleep.

Friday, May 13, 2016

I'm now selling prints and stuff on Redbubble!

I am now selling my artwork on prints and stuff on Redbubble!

Here's my store:

The username 'jpmorrow' was taken, so now I am 'magicalglow' on Redbubble. I think instead of putting up all my artwork I will only put up realistic style paintings that have a magically luminous quality to them.

Which of course means I have to do more painting!  :)

Now of course Redbubble has a minimum payment threshold of $20, which means that people can buy lots of stuff and if my share of it is less than that I don't get paid.  I can just see myself as a doddering old 90 year old, sitting there on a park bench going "oh yes I still have a Redbubble account... its got $1.38 on it... maybe if someone buys something I'll be able to draw it out!"

So what I did about that was I marked up the artist percentage on everything so I get $20 dollars no matter what people buy.  So if everything on here seems too expensive I still have my Society 6 store where I have a wider selection of art for cheaper:

Because S6 is cool like that!

I like Redbubble and see my setting up a store there as an opportunity to hone my craft as an artist and the moral of this story is that I need to do more painting!

Thanks for reading <3 :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Our Lady Undoer Of Knots

I finished this today, it is an outline drawing based on this artwork:

Our Lady Undoer of Knots


Portraits of Saints

I'm fairly happy with how it turned out and I like to think Our Lady is too. ^-^

I have a Group now check it out!

So, I started a group on Deviantart!

Its called Ornamentation and as its name suggests it is a place featuring all manner of decorative patterns by artists all over Deviantart.

So here it is if you would like to check it out:

They really have a lot of amazing artwork there!!!

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Life In General

I believe that art is fundamentally about something far more important than shaping society.  The world has always been run by assholes and it will always continue to be so.  Nothing we can do will ever change that.  However art is about truth and beauty, mostly beauty, and I will continue to uphold these virtues through my art no matter how dark it gets.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

New Method For Punching Writers/Artists Block In The Face!

So I'm trying something different!  When I can't decide what projects to work on I roll for it.  This is a huge step forward for me because deciding what projects to work on decisively enough not to change my mind halfway through has always been the main problem that keeps from ever getting anything done.

I've been sketching more lately!

Of course this particular sketch is from a month or so ago but I've been sketching more lately.  Mostly concept art for stories and stuff, although I have been doing some practicing from images or real life.  At some point maybe I'll upload more of it to share with you.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Spoonflower Contest

So I entered this fabric from my store in another Spoonflower contest.

I love doing these weekly contests, I wont always have time to write about them though.

UPDATE:  Here's the results, no win but thanks and I got more favorites than last time so yay!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Pirate Monkey And Parrot

This is a design I have for sale on my Spoonflower store:

Spoonflower is a place where you can buy or sell designs as fabric, wallpaper, or gift wrap my store is here:

I just recently entered this design in a contest on spoonflower so for the next few days people can vote on which designs they like best.  The theme of the contest is 'Interspecies Animal Friendships,' and here it is:

You will probably have to scroll down through a ton of other designs before you get to it.  You can pick as many designs as you want and I would be really super grateful if you voted for my design if you like it, to help more people find out about my artwork.


A super huge thank you to everyone who participated in the contest!

Here's the results:

As you can see I didn't win, however I got eight favorites on my design and more favorites on other stuff, which means that people are visiting my store, so we'll call it a win, and a super huge thank you to everyone!!  :D

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Another Gimmicky But Really Awesome Feature!

So Society6 which is where I am selling my prints and stuff now, has this program you can promote other artists art on your own website and you get paid a little bit every time someone buys it through your link (10% of the base price on prints).

Like, for example if you wanted to buy this kind of really awesome print of a wolf padding along at night and you bought it through this link, I would get money for it and so would the artist:

Here's the artist's store on S6:

So I think this is kind of a really awesome feature and I might consider doing more of this sort of thing, since this way I can promote stuff that I really like as opposed to regular advertisements, where it is nothing but dreck.

Thoughts or feedback appreciated.  :)

EDIT:  No, I can't get that feature to work so if you buy anything through these links I still won't get anything.  Hootbark will though, but I guess this means I won't be trying to promote anything this way.

SECOND EDIT:  No, I think it maybe it does work after all.  I dunno their website is so confusing.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

So I have a new website where I can sell prints and stuff!

I'm on Society6, where I can sell stuff as art prints or almost anything.  You can buy coffe mugs, tote bags, shower curtains, yoga pants, you name it! :D

They handle printing the designs on products and shipping it out to people and everything so I don't have to do any work except come up with the designs which is the fun part! :)

EDIT:  I forgot to put in the link to the store:

Sunday, January 17, 2016

A California Newt

A California newt on a mossy tree trunk, that I found on a walk in Briones Regional Park in California.  I love him, he (or she) has such a silly walk! :)