Saturday, February 14, 2015

Updates On Your Updates!

So last post I had a lot of ideas for updates and 'improvements' on my various websites.  I have thought about it a bit since then and realized that most of them are really stupid ideas and aren't really improvements at all.  So I probably won't be doing most of them.

So what did we learn from this?  Well it turns out that when I say I'm going to do something that means its probably not going to actually happen.  And I don't think that you, O reader, have any interest in hearing me go on and on about boring details of my web presences that may or may not actually happen.

So I will confine my statements to significant items about projects that are already well underway, like if I said, "oh I've got a new book out next week," or "I'm going to take up piracy and construct a zeppelin!"

You get the idea.