Saturday, February 7, 2015

Some Updates

First: I am hard at work on my version of Novel Illustration month, where my goal is to do 50 sketches for my novel in the month of February.  I am keeping up with it and its a lot of fun (and work) and I will spread awareness and try to make it a much bigger (than just one person) event next year!

Second: I have been doing the calculations and I figure that I will have my medieval fantasy novel written and illustrated, self-published and promoted, by November of 2016!  In just 2 years from when I started it!  If it sells, I will try to come out with another novel set in that universe every 3 years or so.  If it doesn't, then that will be the end of it.

Third: Since this is Novel Illustration Month, I am really busy, but with the beginning of March, I will be doing a lot of changes to this and my other websites, with the idea of improving it on every level.  I apologise in advance if you prefer it the way it is and don't like these aterations.  The modifications are as follows:

  • New awesome background and header images for this website.
  • I will also start tagging my posts here.
  • In the spirit of pruning back things that are neither profitable nor relevant, I will no longer link to that short story I have up.
  • And probably not my Youtube channel, (and maybe not my Godtube channel).
  • Nor either of my two blogs.
  • My Etsy store will become a place where I sell all of my various kinds of artwork, not just my mathematical paper shapes.  So I will start by putting up prints for sale.
  • I will also change the name of my Etsy store and come up with an awesome new header image for it.
  • I will start a new tumblr blog, but this time it will be just an art blog where I put up my artwork. (tumblr is the only real social media site I feel comfortable on, I still don't really want to do facebook, or twitter, (and sure as hell not google+)).
  • I will come up with contests and quizzes to try and get people to comment on here.
  • My list of links to my other websites will also appear in my blogger profile, because I think that's about the only place where they show up on mobile devices.
  • Come out with lots of new artwork.
I think that's pretty much it.  My goal is to come out with the new tumblr, and the new look, and the new stuff on Etsy, and the new artwork, and everything, all at once to fool people into thinking I know what I'm doing, and that way maybe someone will buy something off my Etsy store.  Feel free to leave leave comments below.