Friday, June 12, 2020

Floating Island Fairy

I got a fancy new printer so I can print my lineart on watercolor paper now, and it has a bigger scanner too.  This is super duper for doing watercolor illustrations, which is what I want to do for the stories I'm working on.  Now that I can just print out another one if I goof up I have a lot less hesitation about coloring everything in.  So you can expect to see more watercolors from me in the future.

Also I might not put up as much of the uncolored lineart from here on out, except for coloring pages.  I used to always share my outline drawings, partly because I had no idea if or when I would ever color them, but now I think I might as well mostly just put up the finished paintings.  I'm tired of putting up both, and I think it looks better with just the color ones, and anyway I don't like being so redundant with my creative output.  I'm sorry if you prefer to always see the lineart as well, I'm not intending to make people unhappy.

The printer is an Epson Workforce WF-7610.  I got it off of Walmart.  Here's a very useful youtube video by a gal that talks about this kind of printer with regards to printing on watercolor paper:

This was what put me on to getting this particular kind of printer.  The fairy painting above was printed on 7"x10" 98 lb. Canson mix media paper, which is kind of thin but I think its ok.  Some people use this printer to print on thicker paper but I don't know if I'll do that because it isn't rated for anything thicker than cardstock and envelopes.  I also bought a pad of the same paper in 9"x12" which I think will be a good size to work in.