Friday, October 11, 2019

October Update

I've decided to start giving monthly updates on my progress on literary and artistic ventures, and anything else I want to talk about.


My goal is to write 3000 words this month, worth of miscellanious notes and outlines for my stories.  I'm finding that 3000 words, (that's just 100 words per day,) is an easily attainable word count goal that I can probably maintain from month to month, while juggling life's commitments, and still have time for drawing, and other art projects.


I've been doing a lot of writing lately but not so much drawing, so I found out that I'm completely unprepared for Inktober.  I'm still tackling it regardless and I'll put up a post of whatever artwork I've got done next month.

And of course I'm going to do NaNoWriMo next month.  Its a story about a gravedigger, I'll tell you more about it in November.


That's about it.  Haven't had time for much painting or anything this month.